Sunday, March 26, 2017
Saturday, February 04, 2017
Friday, February 03, 2017
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Gutierrez to helm THE RING threequel for Paramount
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Gutierrez to direct Relativity's THE CROW

Relativity Media, producer Edward R. Pressman and The Weinstein Company's Dimension Films banner have tapped "Before the Fall" helmer F. Javier Gutierrez to direct a reinvention of "The Crow," that will be written by Jesse Wigutow.
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Gutierrez to direct sci-fi THE GREYS

"Dimension Films has preemptively purchased the spec script The Greys, a sci-fi thriller from Adam Cohen with "Before the Fall" helmer F. Javier Gutierrez set to direct."
“We are thrilled to be collaborating on this exciting script with Adam Cohen, Radar Pictures and the Fursts. As a fan, I have wanted to work with F. Javier Gutierrez for some time and am happy to join forces on his English language directorial debut,” Weinstein Co. co-chairman Bob Weinstein said in announcing the project.
(Read Hollywood Reporter)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") - Sundance Chanel (March 24)

"Spanish filmmaker Javier Gutierrez has no qualms about pumping up the adrenaline in an audacious melding of two venerable thriller storylines" ..."it's a terrifying and emotionally charged countdown to the final curtain." (Sundance Chanel)
Monday, December 21, 2009
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") - Latest US Reviews

(Pat Jankiewicz, Fangoria Magazine)
"Powerful... gripping... remarkable... BEFORE THE FALL is a perfect candidate for cult status." (Ed Hulse, Video Business)
"Enchanting, beautiful, thought-provoking... Easily the most overwhelming and dazzlingly brilliant movie I've seen in the past years; nothing short of a masterpiece."(*****) (Cult Reviews)
"A startling and surprisingly assured debut feature that has "cult classic" written all over it."
Monday, October 26, 2009
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") wins big at Screamfest (Los Angeles Horror Film Festival)

(*Full list of the 2009 winners in Dread Central)
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") - Screening at the American Cinematheque (L.A.)

Friday, June 5 - 7.30 pm
Aero Theatre, 1328 Montana Avenue, Santa Monica, CA
Saturday, April 25, 2009
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") wins the Silver Melies for the Best European Fantastic Film in the 25th Amsterdam Int'l Fantastic Film Festival
"We awarded a great film. It’s a mix to your heart's content of elements from the horror, apocalyptic and serial killer genre, with drama, romance and even with philosophical impact: Is a man predestined to follow his instincts, even if he knows that any action is futile considering there is a rapidly approaching apocalypse?".
By winning the Silver MELIES, "Before the fall" is automatically nominated for the Golden MELIES 2009 (The European Fantastic Film Fesderation's Award for the Best European Motion Picture of the Year).
Monday, April 13, 2009
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") - Latest reviews
"F. Javier Gutiérrez gives us a mostly effects free film that creates an intimate but intense drama about what's important in life even as the world is about to end." (San Diego Latino Film Festival)
"One of the more unexpected films in the festival; a dazzling hybrid of end-of-the-world science fiction, bloody western-style thriller and a family drama. The result is a wholly original thinking-person’s genre film." (Philadelphia International Film Festival)
"I highly recommend it".
(Jacqueline Cruz, Forces of Geek)
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") wins The 2008 Mirada Award for the Best Spanish Motion Picture of The Year

Thursday, January 29, 2009
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") Nominated for The 2008 Fotogramas Awards

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") #3 in The 2008 International Watch List
The International Watch List is the unofficial list of the American Film Industry's favorite foreign feature and short films of the Year. The stated aim of the International Watch List is "to highlight new filmmaking talent from abroad to inspire creativity and spread the word about the international favorites of the year". "Before the Fall" is #3 in this year's list.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") Nominated for The 2008 Actors Guild of Spain Awards
Friday, December 26, 2008
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") Nominated for the Spain Cinema Writers Circle Awards
Saturday, November 22, 2008
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") - Screening in the Lincoln Center (New York)
(Film Society of Lincoln Center)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") - Best Feature Film Award in the Trieste International Science-Fiction Film Festival (Italy)
Sunday, November 02, 2008
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") - Audience Award and Jury's Special Mention in the Nantes International Science-Fiction Festival (France)

Saturday, November 01, 2008
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") - US premiere in AFI Fest 2008 - Los Angeles International Film Festival

"One of the most original genre films in years, a quadruple winner at the Málaga film fest. Shocking and brilliantly executed, F. Javier Gutiérrez's first feature will leave you shaken." (Lane Kneedler, AFI Fest)
"GO!"..."Initially a meditative drama, the movie turns into an all-out horror flick by the end — a tonal shift that requires as deft a hand as, say, Guillermo del Toro’s, which writer-director F. Javier Gutierrez thankfully seems to have. Just be warned: It’s neither for the squeamish nor the impatient." (Luke Y. Thompson, L.A. WEEKLY)
"This is a film of ideas, a film that depends on the simple virtues of good storytelling for its considerable impact." (Drew McWeeny,
"A spooky thriller of chilling proportions... Gutierrez's feature film debut is a superbly-shot and honestly dramatic film." (Farley Elliot, )
Sunday, October 05, 2008
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") selected for the Stockholm International Film Festival
Thursday, September 04, 2008
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") selected for the 2008 European Film Awards

Friday, July 11, 2008
"3 Dias" ("Before the fall") - Latest Reviews

- "Shocking, risky and brilliant" (ABC)
- "A brave debut, a perfect thriller" (LA RAZON)
- "Many directors would kill to have their films shot with the sophistication and quality of this pre-apocaliptic intimate little film"..."the film plays out so quietly and shifts genre so elegantly from morbid family drama to western existentialism to set-plece action picture as the acts go along"..."it proves yet again that there are really no end to the angles and perspectives where a genre-film can reach" (Kurt Halfyard, TWICHTFILM)
-"Intense suspense"..."brutal and shocking" (Nicolas Archambault, FANTASIA INT. FILM FESTIVAL)
- "Visual and gripping" (ZURICH INT. FILM FESTIVAL)
- "It will stick in your head" (EL PAIS.COM)
- "Excellent and unusual" (IMAGENES)
- "A powerful apocalyptic fantasy" (ESPOO CINE INT. FILM FESTIVAL)
- "An atypical shotgun blast of paranoid suspense and melancholic anxiety"..."BEFORE THE FALL" is equal parts modern Western, society falls apart drama and serial killer revenge thriller all the while operating withing a disarmingly minimalist approach that refuses to let the film fall into simple spectacule" (Mitch Davis, FANTASIA INT. FILM FESTIVAL)
- "A great movie" (LA COPE)
- "A razor-sharp debut... It will run over you! A tremendous film." (LA RIOJA.COM)
- "Real tension"..."BEFORE THE FALL achieves a SAW-esque level of torturous intensity" (Michael Gingold, FANGORIA MAGAZINE)
- "Fresh, disturbing, moving and original" (DIARIO CORDOBA)
- "A dark tale full of pain, fear and tenderness... brilliant." (GUIA DEL OCIO)
- "This movie will trap you" (GENTE DIGITAL)
- "Strangely hypnotic and shifting-genre crossbreed of apocalyptic special FX and nasty murders"..."the strong acting and emotional resonance raised by the heightened situation proves irresistible" (Alan Jones, FANGORIA MAGAZINE, USA)
- "I absolutely loved the Spanish BEFORE THE FALL"..."Gutierrez’ stunning genre crossbreed is one of the best-directed movies in the Cannes market." (Ian Rattray, FILM4, UK)
- "Brave and disturbing... an excellent film" (LA OPINION, LA CORUNA)
- "Gutierrez proves that films about armageddic meteorites crashing into the earth can be both intelligent and moving."(Rebbeca Davis, DAILY TELEGRAPH)
Friday, April 25, 2008
"3 Días" ("Before the Fall") opens today in Spain - Spanish Reviews ****
- "90 de los minutos más atípicos, desinhibidos y sugerentes del cine español en los últimos tiempos" (J.Cortijo, Madrid360/ABC)
- "Una película distinta, narrada con garra y que transcurre cuesta abajo hasta llegar desbocada al desenlace"..."sencilla pero impactante, con una luz que da sed y siempre a la búsqueda de esa imagen que cliquea dos veces la retina"... "arriesgada y también genial" (E. Rodriguez Marchante, ABC)
- "Gutiérrez confirma ser un virtuoso creador de imágenes y atmósferas con estilo propio" (D. Bernal, ONMadrid/EL PAIS)
- "Valiente debut. Atractiva combinación de cine apocalíptico y drama rural en una película arriesgada"..."Combina con audacia géneros como el western, la ciencia ficción o el thriller. Su estética, bruta, sucia, y la notable fotografía consiguen que el espectador se sienta hundido hasta las rodillas en los barros de un mundo inquietante poblado de ogros, antihéroes y de caperucitas" (Carmen L.Lobo, LA RAZÓN)
- "Una estimulante película de suspense con toques de terror y de ciencia ficción." "A caballo entre ‘No es país para viejos’ por su estética, Hitchcock por sus giros argumentales, con espeluznantes guiños a clásicos del cine de terror e inmensas interpretaciones, ‘3 días’ se erige como un portentoso debut lleno de pulso, estilo e inteligencia. Se te clavará en la retina y, seguramente, dará mucho que hablar."(Jordi Minguell, EL PAIS.COM)
- "Suspense con unas gotas de thriller psicológico hábilmente dispuestas"..."Un thriller redondo".(Carlos Pumares, LA RAZON)
- "La más sucia, angustiosa, agobiante, imaginativa y mejor resuelta película del Festival de Málaga" (Rafa Pontes, CINEMANÍA)
- "Magnífica y atípica..." (Ángel Sala, IMAGENES DE ACTUALIDAD)
- "Un reparto espléndido, una factura impecable, repleta de atmósfera y de credibilidad, una película extremadamente física en la superficie y a la vez extrañamente intimista" (Alberto Bermejo, METROPOLI/EL MUNDO)
- "Evidente poderío visual, el director baña de intensidad cada plano" (Jordi Costa, FOTOGRAMAS)
- "Tres días se presenta como ópera prima 'revienta-tópicos' mediante una atractiva mezcla de géneros que van del suspense al terror psicológico, sin olvidar el telón de fondo apocalíptico. En este cineasta con estilo propio, descubrimos un inteligente valor en alza, un cuenta cuentos audiovisual capaz de tejer un caótico mundo y llevarlo de la mejor pasarela a la tienda donde cualquiera pueda comprarlo." (Daniel Galindo, LANETRO)
- "Me angustia que te produce hace que estés en tensión toda la película...magníficamente interpretada, una gran película" (Andrés Arconada, COPE)
- "Un thriller de altísima temperatura sobre cuentas pendientes y regresos indeseables...Gutiérrez se apoya en ese irrespirable contexto, bordando el dibujo de las atmósferas en un apocalipsis turbio, de feroz canícula (espectacular la fotografía), en un presente exhausto que suda la gota gorda plano a plano, en la aridez de un paisaje inhóspito que presagia, sin necesidad de trucajes digitales de última generación, la inminencia de un final irreversible... Dos actores enormes, Víctor Clavijo y Eduard Fernández (ataviado como villano memorable), cómplices ambos del absorbente menú que el guión sugiere"..."sacude estigmas localistas y geográficos para erigirse en una ficción de lenguaje universal donde el pasaporte no cuenta." (Roberto Piorno, LA GUIA DEL OCIO /BARCELONA)
- "Sin género de dudas, genial"..."te pone la piel de gallina"..."fresca, inquietante, hermosa, sorprendente y original" (Tico Medina, DIARIO CÓRDOBA)
- "Indudable demostración de talento" (Manuel J. Lombardo, DIARIO DE SEVILLA)
- "una brillantísima realización y una fotografía de extraordinaria calidad y escrupulosa coherencia"..."un terrible cuento teñido por el dolor, el miedo y la ternura." (Fernando Méndez-Leite, LA GUÍA DEL OCIO /MADRID)
- "La película te arrolla. Te deja seco; en el sitio, sin palabras...una ópera prima cortante y directa que sacude latigazos de buen cine...te atrapa la mirada y narra, con estilo afilado y sin concesiones, un cruel relato de rencores y venganzas de alta tensión...3 días es un filme vivo y tremendo" (J.M. León Meliá, LA RIOJA.COM)
- "Esta película es tan buena que no parece española" (Gerard A. Cassadó, CANTABRIA CONFIDENCIAL.COM)
- "una estupenda cinta...valiente, perturbadora y visualmente poderosa, con una fotografía y una luz azul y vertical que seca la garganta...tiene ritmo, atmósfera y un magnifico reparto" (Antonio Boñar, LA OPINION /LA CORUÑA)
- "En la factura de la realización y en el dominio técnico se aprecia una personalidad digna de elogio, realmente sorprendente, que produce un efecto vivificante en el público...hay un clima y una composición de las secuencias que resultan de un efecto plástico y estético realmente admirables...un mecanismo narrativo eficaz y apasionante para el espectador" (Vicente Quiroga, HUELVA INFORMACIÓN)
- "Durante 93 minutos, la cinta no le dejará escapar, ni dejar de sentir la angustia de los protagonistas, ni el caos, ni tampoco el talento de Clavijo" (GENTE DIGITAL)
- "Gutiérrez debuta a lo grande...da lecciones de estilo y cuidado cuidado de las formas con una producción pequeña en presupuesto y grande en soluciones...Un filme de entretenimiento dotado de calidad y personalidad" (LA CLAVE)
- "descarnado thriller apocalíptico en una desolada Andalucia con aires de Far fuerza visual, excelentes interpretaciones e inteligente planificación la hacen muy recomendable" (Belén Domínguez, MAS ALLÁ)
- "...a medio camino entre el drama rural y el más puro 'thriller' de acción, sazonada con brillantes giros argumentales e interpretaciones soberbias, apuestas como '3 días' merecen el reconocimiento de la audiencia y un parpadeo de la crítica" (Josu Eguren, EL CORREO DIGITAL)
- "El retrato de la locura y la angustia humana es tan extraordinario en '3 días', que la desazón que provoca se adhiere a uno como una apisonadora narrativa que supone este filme fagocita por territorios que devoran la misma esencia del American Gothic (Bob Clark, W. Craven, Tobe Hopper)...una propuesta que encoge el estómago gracias a su nihilismo poético y su virulencia exacta. No lo piensen ni un minuto más, vayan al cine más cercano a disfrutar de esta obra extraordinaria" (Luis Rueda, LA REPUBLICA CULTURAL)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
"3 Días" ("Before the Fall") tops Malaga Spanish Film Festival

Nonetheless, top pic prize went to F. Javier Gutierrez's "The Fall," which rolls together a psycho killer and apocalypse into a high-energy sci-fi whole."
"Announcing its picture award for “The Fall,” Malaga jury prexy Guy Braucourt stressed the jury had chosen a pic of true cinematographic value."
Awards for "3 Dias" ("Before the fall"):
- Golden Biznaga / Best Feature Film
- ALMA Award / Best Screenplay
- Silver Biznaga / Best Supporting Actress
- Silver Biznaga / Best Make Up
Friday, April 11, 2008
"3 Días" ("Before the Fall") - Malaga Film Festival ends on a high note

The biggest buzz in the early running was generated by Manuel Gutierrez-Aragon’s “Todos estamos invitados,” Nacho Garcia Velilla's debut feature “Chef’s Special,” and Javier Gutierrez’s “The Fall,” another debut.
"The Fall," which screened in Berlin’s Panorama, is the first fruit of the production pact between Antonio Banderas’ Spanish shingle Green Moon and Antonio Perez’s Maestranza in Seville, which aims to nurture new Andalusian talent.
One of the most visually ambitious of Malaga competish films, the sci-fi thriller turns on a man who struggles for redemption as a meteorite hurtles toward earth. Local crix were upbeat.
"Well-shot, with a tremendously apocalyptic atmosphere," said newspaper El Pais. "A brilliant thriller," said another daily, La Razon.